Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The daily "Huh?"

This is either a new feature or a one time venture. I constantly see the McCain campaign saying things that make me say: "Huh?" I thought I should try to document some of them.

Ben Porritt, a McCain spokesman, today complained about Obama's "run-with-the-herd mentality" and, in the same sentence, his "radical associations." Wait. Let's look in the dictionary. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines radical as “marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional” and “disposed to make extreme changes.” So, it seems to me, it would be difficult to both "run with the herd" and be "radical."

I thought I should, while I was at it, look up another word the Palin/McCain team uses a lot. Merriam-Webster defines maverick as
“an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party." Kind of like a radical, I guess. But maybe less extreme. Sort of radical-lite.

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