Thursday, March 13, 2008

New game: find where Hillary talks about poverty

Here's what Hillary says about poverty on her official campaign website:

Hillary Clinton has been working for 35 years to give a voice to the poor and disempowered in America. She shares John Edwards’ compassion and deep concern for the daily lives of the American people, and is proud to meet John’s call to continue making poverty reduction a central issue in this campaign.

Yeah. Her commitment to "meet John's call" to make poverty "a central issue" is so strong, the concern doesn't even appear as a topic on her Issues drop-down menu. Here's a game. Without using the search function, see how long it takes you to find the above quote on Hillary's website.

Udpate (3/17): See the article in The American Lawyer where it discusses Hillary's long career as a member and partner of the Rose Law Firm. That's where she spent 15 of the "35 years" she has spent, in her words, helping "people who have nowhere else to turn." For this part of her career, she helped, for example, block efforts to help the poor save on energy bills. She is clearly trying to bury this part of her narrative. It takes up a single sentence on her campaign website.

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